Emergency Hotlines
Awakening helps people and our clients by reviewing some of these resources and recommending the most reliable ones.
Online resources such as mental health organisations, hotlines and even phone apps are great ways to contact in challenging moments to support your therapy and access reliable information.
Emergency Hotlines
Women’s Help: 1300 134 130 or http://www.wire.org.au
Lifeline: 13 11 14 or www.lifeline.org.au
Sane Helpline: 1800 187 263
Kids Help Line: 1800 551 800
Parentline: 13 22 89
Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636
Family Drug Help: 1300 660 068
Drug Information Services: 1800 888 236
OCD and Anxiety Helpline: 1300 269 438
Suicide Helpline Victoria: 1300 651 251
Men’s Line Australia: 1300 789 978 or www.mensline.org.au
Emergency Contacts
If you are in an emergency or at risk of harm to yourself or others, contact emergency services on 000.
Phone from a landline: 000
Phone from a mobile phone: 112 or 000
State Emergency Service: 132 500
Recommended Apps
Apps can be a fun and possibly useful way to practice and develop healthy habits such as mindfulness, to compliment your therapy and aid with treatment.
These platforms should not replace traditional therapy, but can be a useful way to support it. Consult with your doctor or psychologist about what is most suitable and helpful for you.
Smiling Mind – An Australian app and developed by psychologists and educators, Smiling Mind offers a range of programs for children, teens and adults. It focuses on mindfulness, but also has programs related to exercise, the workplace and social interactions.
Headspace – Headspace focuses on mindfulness and meditation and delivers a range of themes and topics to aid you reduce stress and improve focus.
Way of Life – Way of Life aids with behavior change, aiming to motivate you to build a better, stronger and healthier.