“Knowing is not enough – We must APPLY
Willing is not enough – We must DO”
Bruce Lee
Ongoing sessions run for one hour. The initial sessions run up to a hour and half and are free of charge.
Awakening keeps practising small and specialised, which means appointments are sometimes booked out in advance. We’ll do our best to accommodate you, and we’ll add you to a wait-list if we can’t fit you in at your preferred time. Please contact us for more information.
The cost varies with the type of consultation or coaching, and it is best to discuss fees during your first session. They may not be cheap; however, most people find that it’s a one-off investment in themselves. When you consider the impact of staying in a relationship that you loathe or feeling that you’re not on the right life path, coaching might become a necessity, not a luxury.
Coaching is generally tax-deductible. Please check with your accountant.
We will send you an invoice after meetings. The reason being is as we don’t want to increase your undergoing pressure even more. You can decide to pay should you find meeting helpful or not should you find it not. However, you can’t book the next meeting before pay for the past one.
For prepayment of six hours, you get a 5% discount, a prepayment of twelve hours a 10% discount.