What is 5 Pillars of Happiness Workshop

5 Pillars of Happiness is a personal development workshop targeting body, mind and soul to helping women from all walks of life regardless of age, believes and religion to overcome personal crisis and emotional difficulties.  Empowering women to make a genuine and long-lasting positive change in their lives.

During life coaching you will learn how this society operates, how deceived and manipulated it has become.

You will learn three secrets about man which will resolve up to 90 % of all the issues that you ever have with any man and how to make one your confidant and protector.

Lastly, you will understand all women advantages and how to use them in real life to make your desires become truth.

Why closed women circles don’t always help

A growing number of women are losing their bond and trust with men. Each one has her reason, a story behind, which all would be impossible to name, as there are as many reasons as there are men in the world. Consequentially a belief has formed. I call it an emotional evolution.

Just as anything else in our life emotions evolve and adapt over time. There are two types of emotional evolution:

· Positive emotional evolution

Positive is the process by which new human believes and behaviors forms or adapts, inspired by positive emotions such as joy, serenity, gratitude, kindness, admiration…love.

· Negative emotional evolution

The negative is the process by which new human believes and behaviours forms or adapts, inspired by negative emotions such as anger, sadness, guilt, fear, despair, disappointment, frustration.

5 pillars of happiness work shop

Women who were disappointed and are trying to evolve are often forming or joining in closed groups, where they are sharing experiences. For some women circle helps, at least for certain time. However, sharing experiences is just that – sharing experiences. You are not learning from it, on contrary, it may slowly become discouraging. And the principle is; a woman can’t evolve without understanding men way of thinking, just as man can’t evolve without understanding women. No matter of the circumstances, we can’t evolve by a singular approach.

Why you are feeling challenged and anxious  

Human development started around 2 million years ago. There are still places on earth where people are living in egalitarian hunting and gathering society, where existence bases on food sharing and gift exchange. Where people are surrounded by friends and family, they know the entire life. In a world which bases on fluidity with different groups and not by material culture. In a world with almost no violence.

By nature, people have developed certain needs for existence and only if you meet those needs, you will develop compassion and cooperation and have empathy for other people.

Starting in the sixties, however increasingly in past 50 years contemporary society becomes greatly influenced with the ideology that the more items one possesses; the biggest, the latest, the more valued, important and branded one is in life and the eyes of other people. The only way to be happy is to be a soulless individualistic robot because, if you don’t have possessions you are not good enough, you are not attractive enough, you are not worthy of love.

This ideology exists in different levels in different countries but is hardwired almost everywhere in the world. It bases on beliefs you were taught by manipulation and force – not by your choosing, nor your experiences.

“I feel that, if you knew the way of man, some past experiences would be sane”

Nowadays, many celebrity motivational speakers; usually men are suggesting that they have invented a system which will help you overcome past challenges and achieve life goals in a matter of months; however this is impossible.

I know how abuse feels; not only from my own experience but yours as well. I’ve worked with many women; women just like you are and heard many glorious and sad stories, I am sure yours was among them. The change will not happen quick and easy and it never does, because just as with any other fact of life, the longer you were experiencing it, the longer will take to overcome it and move on.

Being a woman and having courage is not enough. Without genuine people, the right knowledge and awareness, it is very hard to implement long-lasting and positive changes. Nor does it matter what you think of yourself, but rather what other think of you, as they will converse and act with you in that manner.

In the words of Albert Einstein:

“The only source of knowledge is experience.”

Words of an inspiration

To know the man, you will need to go through many experiences good and challenging one and not allow to get hurt in the process nor to get affected by emotions. Probably you will become a senior lady when finally get an understanding of him, but by then it may become too late. Luckily for you, we at Awakening did that.

Before I am going to explain any details about how man mind is operating and how you as woman can influence him, I want to make one thing absolutely clear.

My whole approach is not to convert you, nor to improve you, nor to explain to you, nor to show you. I just want you to enjoy a point of view about men and life itself. I will write about what is because I love sharing my experiences. I feel that, if you would know the way of man, some past experiences would be sane. I have only one outlook; if you are feeling constantly depressed, betrayed, anxious and maybe even lost this knowledge will make you feel happy again. I will continue in the way of a story as this way you may feel it more personal.

life coaching work shop

Try to imagine that we’ve already met before. Your name is Lisa, middle-aged woman, wife to a man who is not giving you enough attention; therefore, you’ve met another man who is a healer and you two had an extraordinary experience. In a few hours spent together, you trusted him your life story and he is responding with a letter in which he is expressing his feeling and view of life.

I hope that at the end of the post, you will see men in a different way; however know that this is only the beginning.

“The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.

Think big anyway.”

– Awakening Melbourne